
Once a buyer makes an offer, they should do their due diligence and perform an inspection. In my opinion, this is one of the most important things a buyer can do as inspectors find issues with homes all the time – even new construction! Here is what you need to know about inspections:

Finding an Inspector

You may already have an inspector in mind, or you may need a referral. I have several great inspectors that I would be happy to connect you with.

Investing in an Inspection

The cost for the inspection may vary depending on the size of the home and the systems you want to have inspected. For example, an in-depth review of the roof or septic inspection will cost more than a general inspection.

The Inspection Process

The inspector will conduct a general review of the accessible areas of the property including: 

  • Siding 
  • Doorways and windows 
  • Lighting 
  • Toilets, showers, and plumbing fixtures 
  • Flooring 
  • Stairways and railings 
  • Ceilings 
  • Attic and crawl space 
  • Kitchen appliances and fixtures 
  • And more. You are welcome to talk to the inspector beforehand if there are areas of concern in the subject property and the inspector can indicate whether that concern is something the inspector reviews or if an additional inspection professional may be required.

The Inspection Report

The inspector will prepare a report that outlines the flaws found and will usually separate these into issues to be aware of and those issues that are of big concern. The items that are a big concern may need to be looked into further. We can talk about your options.

The Inspection Response

If an inspection contingency has been included, this provides the buyer with an opportunity for the buyer to negotiate with the seller to determine how to move forward once the inspection report has been completed. The buyer may decide to move forward and not ask the seller to fix any of the items, the buyer may ask for the seller to fix some of the items, the buyer can ask for extensive repairs, or the buyer may decide to cancel the agreement completely.


It is important to remember that the buyer asking for any repairs results in a negotiation. The seller is not required to fix any of the items the buyer asks for and can negotiate until the two parties come together and agree on terms or cancel the agreement. I will work diligently to represent your best interests through any negotiation!